Registration under Mongolia flag
is a landlocked unitary sovereign state in East Asia. Its area is roughly equivalent with the historical territory of Outer Mongolia, and that term is sometimes used to refer to the current state
Advantages of Mongolia flag
Disadvantages of Mongolia flag
- Tax free
- No nationality of crew restriction
- No minimum tonnage restriction
- No ship age restrictions
- Provide registry for all ships types
- Not listed in Paris MOU
- Ship registration time frame: 5 working days
- Accepts foreign flags bare-boat charter registration
- Long registration procedure
- A lot of required documents
Certificates to be Mongolia by Malta flag:
- Patentee (Ship registry certificate) (Navigation license) (NL)
- Ship station license (Radio station license) (SSL)
- Minimum safe manning (MSMC)
- Continuous synopsis record (CSR)
- Certificate of civil liability for oil pollution damage (BCC)
- Wreck removal certificate (WRC)
- Deceleration of maritime labor compliance P I(DMLC PI)
Provisional registration:
- Registry issued for six months
- ship station license are issued for six months
- Minimum safe manning is issued for lifetime as long as vessel is under Liberia
- Continuous synopsis record is issued for lifetime as long as vessel is under Liberia
Required documents for provisional registry:
- Application for rgistration
- Deceleration of ownership
- Application of an appointment of manager
- Application for CSR
- Notarized copy of bill of Sale
- Builder’s Certificate (For new constructions)
- Notarized power of Attorney Existing Registry certificates
Existing Statutory Certificates
Certificate of Competency (COC) for Officers on board
Permanent registration:
- Registry and ship station license are issued for four years
Required documents for permanent registration:
- Original application for registration
- Original deceleration of ownership
- Original letter of appointment of manager
- Original application for CSR
- Bill of Sale (Notarized or Original)
- Original builder’s Certificate (for new constructions)
- Power of Attorney
- Original Deletion Certificate from Previous Registry
- Original Certified Carving and Marking Note
Survey reports for Interim Statutory Certificates - Continuous Synopsis Record under Mongolia