Pharaohs Marine Consultants

Energy Efficiency

The growth of world trade in the future represents a challenge to meeting a target for emissions required to achieve stabilization in global temperatures and so IMO has begun consideration of further technical and operational measures to enhance the energy efficiency of ships.

Resolution MEPC.203(62), adopted on 15 July 2011, includes REGULATIONS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY for ships in MARPOL Annex VI.

These are requirements which apply in addition to the already existing requirements of MARPOL Annex VI. The regulations for energy efficiency will entered into force on 01-01-2013 and apply to all ships of 400 gross tonnage and above.

International energy efficiency certificate:


All ships of 400 GRT and above, and for all new building ships after entry into force date


Only initial survey is required before issuance of the certificate, where certificate is issued for life time as long ass the ship still under the same flag

No annual, intermediate or renewal surveys are required